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Μεταδιδακτορικές θέσεις

The Institute of Geophysics (ETH Zurich) and the Institute of Computational Science (USI) are seeking to appoint two postdoctoral researchers to develop massively parallel multi-level preconditioners which exploit GPU/MIC hardware. The algorithmic and software developments will be integrated with the Portable Extensible Toolkit for Scientific computation (PETSc). The target applications which will be used to test the scalability and robustness of the newly developed preconditioners derive from full spherical models of mantle convection within the Earth, and regional scale geodynamic models of lithospheric deformation.

Each appointment is for a fixed term of 36 months. The salary offered is very competitive and in accordance with EU standards and the cost of living in Switzerland.

The successful candidate must hold a PhD and have experience in the following areas; parallel computing (OpenMP, MPI), algorithms and software for parallel linear algebra and preconditioners for Krylov methods. A strong background in developing and or working with high level software libraries is essential. Experience in developing software for GPU’s (or MIC’s) is highly desirable, but not essential.

Interested candidates should submit a letter of interest, CV, publication list, two letters of reference and a copy of their doctoral certificate to Dave May (dave.may@erdw.ethz.ch) before March 1st, 2014. The expected starting date is early May 2014.

Funding for this project is provided by PASC (Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing – www.pasc-ch.org <http://www.pasc-ch.org> ) through the Solid Earth Dynamics network (www.pasc-ch.org/networks/solid-earth <http://www.pasc-ch.org/networks/solid-earth> ). Further information about this particular project (GeoPC) can be found here www.pasc-ch.org/projects/projects/geopc <http://www.pasc-ch.org/projects/projects/geopc> , or by contacting either Dave May or Olaf Schenk (olaf.schenk@usi.ch).