
The administration, according to Law 4485/2017, is exercised by the bodies of the department which are the Assembly, the Board of Directors and the President.

The Assembly of the department consists of all the faculty members of the department and the representatives of:

  • E.E.P.
  • E.T.E.P
  • E.D.I.P
  • Undergraduate Students
  • Graduate Students

*The above representatives are appointed every year by their association.

The administration of the department is exercised by the President, the Deputy President, the Board of Directors and the Assembly of the Department.

Head of the Department  Eustratios Gallopoulos
Deputy Head of the Department Costas Berberidis
Director of Computer Software Division  Michalis Xenos
Director of Computer Hardware and Architecture Division  Σκλάβος Νικόλαος
Director of Applications and Foundations of Computer Science  Ζαρολιάγκης Χρήστος

The Board of Directors consists of the President, Assoc. President, the Department Directors and representatives of ETEP (Special Technical Laboratory Staff), EDIP (Laboratory Teaching Staff), students and postgraduate students. The representatives of ETEP, EDIP, students and postgraduate students are appointed every academic year by their association.

The S. consists of the faculty members of the department (up to 30 members) and representatives of the ……

The representatives are appointed every year after an election process in the respective clubs.

The President and Assoc. The Presidents are professors of the Department with a two-year term and are appointed after an election process by the members of the Assembly.

The Directors of the Departments are professors of the Department with a one-year term and are appointed after an election process by the members of the Departments.

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