Ancient Greek Republics

Course ID

1. Theseus The founder and founder of the city of Athens and the forerunner of its centuries-long state development towards the Athenian Republic.

2. City-State & Sparta-Lycurgos Institution of the city-state: an interpretative approach with a record of its main characteristics. The polity of Sparta: detailed presentation (political philosophy and institutions), reference to the legislator Lycurgus and the famous Great Clause, description of the dominant institutions.
3. Solon The personality of the aesymnetian / poet / legislator Solon and his wide-ranging reform work (Seisakhtia, class politics, rights to the Thetes, Church, Parliament of the Four Hundred, Areios Pagos, Iliaia, lords, naturalization, monetary policy).
4.Cleisthenes The main reform measures of Cleisthenes: administrative restructuring of the population (the ten tribes, the municipalities, naturalization), the Church of the Municipality (the dominant state institution), the Iliaia (the upgraded judicial body) and the House of Five Hundred (the second basic state institution).

5. Efialtis & Pericles The personality, ideology and action of Efialtis (final decommissioning of the Supreme Court). The dominance of Pericles in the leadership of the Athenian state and his reforms (clergy, theory, salary).

6. The citizen in the Athenian democracy The stigma of the Athenian citizen in the basic manifestations of public life, in two axes: that of political participation and that of military action.

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