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April 15, 2019


Seminar & CEID social hour   Date-place: Friday 19 April, 3:30-5pm, Building Β (Room B4) Speaker: Prof. Alexander Fish, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University, Israel Title: Energy efficient and high speed digital integrated circuits and embedded memories Summary: Advances in technology and the growth of mobile applications have made energy consumption, which poses one of the fundamental limits in...
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Seminar & CEID social hour Date-place: Friday 19 April, 2-3:15pm, Building Β (Room B4) Speaker: Giorgos Christodoulou, Senior Lecturer University of Liverpool Title: The price of stability of (weighted) congestion games with polynomial latencies Summary: We will discuss results on the price of stability (a notion that compares the social cost of the best Nash equilibrium with the social...
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Seminar & CEID social hour   Date-place: Friday 19 April, 3:30-5pm, Building Β (Room B4) Speaker: Prof. Alexander Fish, Faculty of Engineering, Bar-Ilan University, Israel Title: Energy efficient and high speed digital integrated circuits and embedded memories Summary: Advances in technology and the growth of mobile applications have made energy consumption, which poses one of the fundamental limits in...
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Seminar & CEID social hour Date-place: Friday 19 April, 2-3:15pm, Building Β (Room B4) Speaker: Giorgos Christodoulou, Senior Lecturer University of Liverpool Title: The price of stability of (weighted) congestion games with polynomial latencies Summary: We will discuss results on the price of stability (a notion that compares the social cost of the best Nash equilibrium with the social...
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