Σεμινάριο Τμήματος & CEID social hour
Ημερομηνία-χώρος: Παρασκευή 15 Μαρτίου, 3-5μμ, Κτίριο Β (Αίθουσα Β4)
Ομιλητής: Dr. Tryfonas Christos, Chief Architect in Al Silicon Valley Startup at Stealth Mode Startup Company
Τίτλος: “On Startups”
Σχετικά με τον ομιλητή: Dr. Christos Tryfonas is a successful serial entrepreneur and technologist in Silicon Valley. He is currently the Chief Architect of Aisera focusing on technology, engineering and strategy. In his previous project, he was the CTO/Founder of Caspida (01/2014-07/2015 and then with Splunk until 12/2016), a next-gen predictive cyber-security enterprise software company that detects & prevents hidden threats which was recently acquired by Splunk where he served as the Head of Engineering for Splunk Behavioral Analytics. Dr. Tryfonas has also co-founded and served as the CTO of Cetas, an Analytics and Big Data company acquired by VMware where he served as the CTO for Big Data Analytics. He also co-founded and served as chief architect of Kazeon Systems, an eDiscovery and information security company acquired by EMC. Prior to that, he was a Principal MTS at Sprint Advanced Technology Laboratories focusing on network data analysis at large scale. Christos holds several patents (issued and pending) in the areas of cyber-security and machine learning, analytics, large-scale information classification, management, and retrieval, cloud services, distributed systems, congestion control in packet networks, and network transport of multimedia/video traffic. He is published in both the academia and industry.
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