Ημερομηνία-χώρος: Παρασκευή 27 Απριλίου, 3μμ, Κτίριο Β (Αίθουσα Συνεδριάσεων – ισόγειο).
Ομιλητής: Νίκος Ζηνάς, Sr software engineer – Workday, διοργανωτής στο DEVit
Τίτλος: The first fifteen lives of a software engineer –DEVit (https://devitconf.org/)
Περίληψη: Changing jobs is like reincarnating. One life ends and another begins. Only difference is that you are the same person and you get to keep all your memories, all your experience. Using everything you learn in one life to become better in your next one is the key to success. In this talk Nikos dives into his past lives trying to give advice to his younger self and at the same time explaining to the audience the good and the bad parts of frequent job hopping.
Nikos Zinas
Sr software engineer – Workday
Nikos is working with web technologies since 2004. His main focus is designing solutions for large teams, helping companies scale and setup frontend architectures that are maintainable, performant, accessible and secure. Currently living in Greece and working remotely as a Senior Software Engineer for Workday, a world wide company that offers enterprise-level software solutions for human resources and financial management.
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