3 Ιανουαρίου, 2018


On Friday 15/12 CEID hosted Dr. Petros Drineas, Associate Professor at Purdue University and CEID alumnus. Details of the talk are listed below.    Title: RandNLA: Randomization in Numerical Linear Algebra   Abstract: The introduction of randomization in the design and analysis of algorithms for matrix computations (such as matrix multiplication, least-squares regression, the Singular Value...
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On Thursday 14.12.2017 CEID hosted Professor Sergios Theodoridis who delivered an extremely interesting talk entitled “A Tour to Deep Learning: From the Origins to Cutting Edge Research and Open Challenges”. Dr. Theodoridis is Professor of Signal Processing and Machine Learning in the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications of the University of Athens as well as Professor at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. In...
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