Θέσεις για PhD και postdoc στο Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University, Denmark,

Η παρακάτω ανακοίνωση προέρχεται από τον κ. Ανδρέα Παυλογιάννη (απόφοιτος CEID), Assistant Professor στο Aarhus. Υπάρχουν επίσης και θέσεις για 3μηνες πρακτικές/internships.

The Department of Computer Science at Aarhus University, Denmark, offers a considerable number of PhD and PostDoc positions in the areas of Logic, Semantics and Programming Languages. Our research spans a wide spectrum of topics concerning models and logics for programming languages and type theories, language-based security, blockchains, theoretical foundations and practical tools for program analysis, formal verification and model checking.

Aarhus University admits PhD students on the basis of a bachelor’s degree (for 5 year PhDs) or a master’s degree (for 3 year PhDs). If admitted, all tuition is covered, and a generous stipend is provided. Postdoc positions can be for 1 or 2 years, including the possibility of renewal (depending on the individual projects and sources of funding). 

Interested applicants at all levels are encouraged to contact the respective faculty for details, enclosing a CV and a short description of interests.

Logic and Semantics group: http://cs.au.dk/research/logic-and-semantics/

Aslan Askarov (language-based security, web security, type systems, program analysis)

Lars Birkedal (higher-order concurrent separation logic, type theory, program verification)

Bas Spitters (computer aided proofs in cryptography, homotopy type theory, formal verification of blockchains)

Jaco van de Pol (parallel & symbolic model checking, synthesis, graph games)

Programming Languages group: https://cs.au.dk/research/programming-languages/

Magnus Madsen (programming language design, functional and logic programming, type systems)

Anders Møller (static & dynamic program analysis, program analysis and automated testing for web and mobile software)

Andreas Pavlogiannis – also, internship positions available (algorithmic & computational foundations of model checking, quantitative verification, static & dynamic analysis, concurrency)

Aarhus University is realizing an ambitious multi-phase digitalization initiative which will help prepare researchers, students and the labour force for the digital transition of the future. The initiative aims at significant expansion of the Department of Computer Science for faculty and students.

Next deadline: February 1st, 2020

Information about the PhD program: http://phd.scitech.au.dk/for-applicants/application-guide/

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