Recognition of courses is possible for students transferring to the Department of Computer and Information Engineering from other universities. In order for these courses to be considered equivalent to corresponding courses in the Department, the student must have successfully completed the desired courses.
The responsible instructor verifies the equivalence of the syllabus of the course under recognition with the syllabus of the corresponding course in the Department of Computer and Information Engineering.
If equivalence is established, the course is recognized and credited with the teaching units of the equivalent course. If the course is from a domestic university, the grade obtained by the student from the other university is retained. If the course is from a foreign university, the grade is converted according to the grading scale used by Greek universities.
In cases where there is no full equivalence of the courses, the responsible instructor, in collaboration with the student, determines the method by which the course can be recognized. Lastly, the instructor may propose the non-recognition of the course if they deem the equivalence to be limited.