Academic Tutor

General Information

At the beginning of each academic term, for each first-year student, his/her professor advisor (SC), who is one of the Department’s faculty members, is designated. First-year students meet at regular intervals with their SC (as specified in paragraph 3). A student’s SK remains the same until the end of his studies. Students should feel free to discuss any issue of their academic life with their SC. E.g. problems with classes, labs, computing center, issues related to study regulations, course selection, or even personal difficulties (family problems, health problems) which may affect their studies. SK will try, as much as possible, to give or propose solutions to any problems that arise. However, in no case is it obliged to guarantee a solution for every problem in advance. The Board of Directors and G.S. of the Department supervise the operation of the institution.

Designation of Faculty Advisor

All faculty members of the Department, who are not excused for a long period of time (e.g. due to educational leave, health problem, etc.), are designated as first-year student teachers at the beginning of each academic term. The assignment of first-year students to each SC will be done by the Department Secretariat in a random manner. The number of first-year students will be equally distributed among the SCs.


First-year students will meet as a group with their SC at regular intervals. The first meeting (welcome meeting) must be scheduled within the first month of the official start of the fall semester. Subsequent meetings will be scheduled on mutually agreed dates. The time interval between two consecutive meetings cannot be less than one (1) month, except in exceptional cases. The periodicity of meetings between first-year students and SC is recommended to be once every two months. In exceptional cases, extraordinary meetings may be convened if this is deemed necessary by both parties, or if the SC requests it in order to discuss a major issue concerning the students. A student’s SK remains the same until the completion of the student’s studies. From the 2nd year onwards there will be no regular meetings, but it is recommended that at least one meeting per academic semester be held.

Change of Adviser Professor

In case of absence of a SC for a long period of time (e.g. due to educational leave, health problem, etc.), the Secretariat of the Department assigns to the students of the absent SC a new SC.

In exceptional cases and if there are serious reasons, a student can request the change of his SK. A student who wishes to do so must apply to the Department Secretariat explaining the reasons. The possibility of satisfying the student’s request will be examined by the G.S. of the Department at its first meeting after the filing of the application. In any case, the decision to change the SC requires a majority of 3/4 of the members of the General Assembly.

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