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Departmental Colloquium & CEID social hour: “Law of Information Technology: protection of the software by Intellectual Property and exploitation of such rights”, Dr. Galateia Kapellakou

Departmental Colloquium & CEID SOCIAL HOUR

Time & Place: Friday, March 9, 3-5pm, Bldg. B (Seminar room)
Speaker: Dr. Galateia Kapellakou
Title: Law of Information Technology: protection of the software by Intellectual Property and exploitation of such rights
Abstract: Information and Communication Technologies have affected all aspects of everyday life, transforming societal structure at all levels. The Law that regulates legal relationships resulting from the use of Information Technology, does not become an autonomous branch of law, rather it modernizes every affected by Information Technology legal domain, presenting, however, interdisciplinary unity. One of the main components of the Information Technology is the computer itself. Within the context of this seminar we examine in particular the subject of software protection under intellectual property law (with references to relevant decisions of the Court of Justice of the European Union) and elaborate on cases where it was possible to apply patent laws for software. Finally, we discuss the topic of the exploitation of IP rights conferred and we define the steps that must be taken in order to leverage IP rights and attract investors.

Short Bio: Galateia Kapellakou is a Doctor of Laws, University of Nantes and University of Athens (PhD in Copyright Law). During her PhD she received a scholarship from Max Planck Institute for Innovation and Competition (Munich). She also holds a Master’s degree in IP from the University of Nantes (D.E.A.) and a Master’s degree in International Sciences from the University of Athens. She is an attorney at law specialized in IP Law, IT Law, Personal Data Law and EU Law. She has worked as a Consultant at UNESCO in the Cultural Diversity Division (Paris) and participates as an IP expert in EU funded projects (Twining, Technical Assistant, Europe Aid). She takes part as a speaker in national and International Conferences, Colloquiums and seminars, she has teaching activities at Greek Universitites and she regularly publishes articles and researches in Law Journals and collective works.

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