
The members of the General Assembly of the Department, as well as all those who participate in any way in the educational process, should create an environment where academic ethics will be respected, promoted and rewarded. To create this environment, the following are recommended:


  1. The Instructor should announce and explain to the students, in the most specific and clear way possible, what academic behavior means, giving particular emphasis to what is considered academic misconduct. Academic misconduct includes, but is not limited to, the following
  • plagiarism, copying and delivery of course work, thesis, article, thesis, etc. which does not even partially belong to the submitting student,

  • the collective preparation of work in cases where this has not been explicitly announced by the Teacher as being allowed,

  • copying, by any means, during the exams.
  1. The Instructor must ensure the existence of a support mechanism for the students for the smooth conduct/processing of the workshops or assignments given in the context of his courses.

  2. The Instructor should provide the students, indicatively, with some topics with a corresponding exemplary solution to the exercises which will either be posted on the course website, or the students will be able to obtain them from the Department’s library.

  3. The Instructor should make every possible effort to enrich and diversify the subjects in the exams he administers.

  4. The Instructor should include information related to the conduct and/or examination of his courses, and the Code of Ethics in the Department’s Study Guide.

  5. Ο The Teacher must clearly define: 

  • the framework in “open type” exams,

  • the content of typologies in course exams that allow it,

  • the possibility of using calculators/computers in exams.

  1. Finally, the Instructor, at regular intervals, should refer to the text of the Code of Ethics and remind the students of the obligations arising from it.

PhD Candidates and Masters Students

Doctoral Candidates and Master’s students, being key members of the Department’s academic community, must not use their status for their own benefit. They are intended to help create an environment in which academic ethics will be respected, promoted and rewarded. For this purpose, upon joining the Department’s Postgraduate Studies Programs, each individual must sign a statement certifying that during their postgraduate studies: He/she will treat all students with whom he/she comes into contact equally when providing any form of auxiliary work, as defined in the study regulations of the postgraduate program in which he/she has been selected. He will conduct himself in a strictly academic manner in all examinations of undergraduate courses or laboratories in which he participates as an invigilator. He will assist in the smooth operation of the student support mechanism for the smooth conduct/handling of the workshops or assignments given in the context of the courses in which he provides auxiliary work. He will not participate in any other way in the preparation of students, in the preparation of diploma, master’s, doctoral theses and undergraduate or graduate theses given in the context of the courses, apart from his auxiliary participation in supervision, as determined by the Teacher. It will try in every way to eliminate the phenomena of plagiarism. In the event of a violation of the above, the matter will be forwarded by the Ethics Committee to the Department’s General Assembly to take the measures provided for by the current institutional framework and the University’s internal regulations. Finally, every Doctoral Candidate and Master’s student must observe and apply in practice the above rules of ethics in a creative way.


  1. They will treat all students with whom he/she comes into contact equally when providing any form of auxiliary work, as defined in the study regulations of the postgraduate program in which they has been selected. 

  2. They will conduct himself in a strictly academic manner in all examinations of undergraduate courses or laboratories in which they participates as an invigilator.

  3. They will assist in the smooth operation of the student support mechanism for the smooth conduct/handling of the workshops or assignments given in the context of the courses in which they provides auxiliary work.

  4. They will not participate in any other way in the preparation of students, in the preparation of diploma, master’s, doctoral theses and undergraduate or graduate theses given in the context of the courses, apart from his auxiliary participation in supervision, as determined by the Teacher.

  5. They will try in every way to eliminate the phenomena of plagiarism.


    In the event of a violation of the above, the matter will be forwarded by the Ethics Committee to the Department’s General Assembly to take the measures provided for by the current institutional framework and the University’s internal regulations.

    Finally, every Doctoral Candidate and Master’s student must observe and apply in practice the above rules of ethics in a creative way.


Undergraduate Students

The undergraduate student should address exclusively to the Professor and to the doctoral candidates and/or postgraduate students officially designated by him for auxiliary work for any question he has in the respective course.

When taking a course or workshop exam:

  1. Must not copy, provide or seek help from fellow students.

  2. Must not use electronic media and any other media, except those permitted and determined by the Teacher.

The undergraduate student should:

  1. Not to engage in plagiarism, i.e. using or deriving ideas from the work of other authors, without clear reference to their work.

  2. Not to prepare individual assignments in collaboration with other fellow students.

  3. Not to delegate the tasks he has undertaken, to be handled by natural or legal persons who do not belong to the academic community of the Department.

In the event of a violation of the above, the matter will be forwarded by the Ethics Committee to the General Assembly of the Department for the taking of the measures prescribed by the current institutional framework and the internal regulations of the University.

Finally, the student must observe and apply the above ethical rules in a creative way.

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