CEID was founded in 1979 (P.D. 779/ FEK 230/ 03-10-1979). It welcomed its first students in 1980 and is essentially the pioneer department in the field of Computer, Informatics and Communications Technology in Greece. In a short time, it developed into one of the most important University Departments in Greece with great demand from candidates every year. The subject of the department is teaching and research in computer science and technology and the study of their applications.
In the 30+ years that have passed since the graduation of the first students, the transformative changes that have occurred in every human activity are largely based on technologies and scientific tools that fall within the cognitive subjects of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (EMYPE). Many companies are essentially software platforms that rely on complex combinations of hardware and communication mechanisms, coordination, and retrieval. Studying at EMYPE prepares students adequately, both due to the content of the courses and because the Diploma signifies that the holder has attended more than 50 courses spanning the entire spectrum of the discipline, while also acquiring numerous accompanying skills. Consequently, employment prospects are excellent for EMYPE graduates. The curriculum focuses on EMYPE and serves as a model for newer, similar departments in the country, while differing from those that only partially address computer science. The study program seeks to understand fundamental issues, concepts, principles, and theories of EMYPE, incorporating cutting-edge technical knowledge and soft skills, while also highlighting the increased responsibilities of engineering graduates, particularly in EMYPE, as (paraphrasing McLuhan) the tools we shape can, in turn, shape us.
In 2019-20 the Department is moving to a new building erected on a 10,000 sq.m. plot of land on the Campus. The new building consists of building subsections connected to each other by a network of corridors and footbridges around a central atrium space that will act as a connecting link contributing to the meeting of all members of the Department. It has a large auditorium, modern classrooms and offices of professors and researchers, high-performance computing center, meeting and function rooms, library, reading room, etc. At the same time, a significant upgrade of the logistical infrastructure and laboratories is foreseen. The building is located next to the facilities of ITYE-Diofantos, facilitating synergies.
The Department has so far awarded more than 5000 Diplomas and PhDs. Graduates contribute to global technological developments and the development of the country from positions they hold in leading academic and research institutions, in large companies abroad and in Greece, in government organizations, startups, etc. such as: Apple, Google, IBM, Microsoft, Facebook, VMWare, NASA, Booking, Citrix, EPFL, Purdue, Goldman Sachs, Yahoo, SUSTech Shenzhen, U.Toronto, Chalmers U., Imperial College, Intrasoft, Intracom, European Commission, Central Supelec Paris, Yahoo, Bank of America, Ohio State, Liverpool, Purdue, NYU Stern, NTUA, EKPA, AUTH, P. Ioannina, Technical University of Crete. By participating in the Alumni Association and its events, the graduates maintain their contact with the Department. In many cases, older graduates become employers or have a position of responsibility for the development of younger ones, e.g. supervise their PhD thesis. The press and social networks often highlight the professional successes of the graduates, while the Department is more extensively informed by their own accounts during their visits. We are proud of the professional rehabilitation stories of many, and the great successes of some, which attest to the pedagogical and educational work carried out at CEID.