The Library and Information Service is a crucial service of the University of Patras. It operates in its own building located on the University Campus, relatively close to the Department building. It is an open access library and provides documented information and material to anyone interested.
The acquisition of the material is based on the subjects taught at the University of Patras. It has a large collection of scientific books related to the Science of Computer Engineering and Informatics after the integration in it, in 2021, of the collection of the oldest library of TMIYP.
Access to the BYP is free to the faculty members of the University, to undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as to the employees of the University of Patras. For the use of all the services of BYP, the registration of the users is required and the acquisition of the special “User Card”. BYP is open daily except Saturdays and Sundays and holidays. During half-hours the opening hours are reduced.
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