The Laboratory for Computing/ Computer Center (LabCom/CC) of the Computer Engineering and Informatics Department (CEID) of University of Patras in Greece, is the main laboratory in the design, development and support of Applied Information & Communication Technologies (ICT) for CEID.

The LabCom’s purpose also includes:

The training, the knowledge transfer, and the support of education for undergraduate and graduate students of CEID, the cooperation with other departments, universities and any other on ICT.
To conduct basic and applied research in ICT and the social, economic and other impacts of ICT.
The design and development of ICT products and services.
The research and development on ICT Security.
To provide consultancy, design and management services to public, private and social actors, as well as physical and/or legal persons, on ICT, and the transition of the country to the “Digital Convergence”.

To achieve the objectives of the LabCom/CC is developing partnerships with public and private sectors, universities and research centers nationally and internationally, while connected with close ties to the academic community in the country.

Timetable for the users

Period Working Days Hours
01 October to 15 July Monday – Friday 09:00-18:00
16 July to July 31 Monday – Friday 09:00-14:00
Last week of August to 30 September

The CC will remain closed for the users:

  • On public holidays of the University of Patras
  • From 24/12 until the resumption of courses after the New Year.
  • On Holy Wednesday to Wednesday of Easter
  • From 01/08 until the last week of August

Note, however, that the mode of CC can be modified the above days and hours depending on the adequacy of personnel, with prior notice to users.


The CC is housed in two separate rooms; the main hall of about 400 m2 and the seminar room 100 m2. The workbenches are extremely ergonomic and the CC has 112 PCs, 3 iMac’s Apple, 3 high-speed printers, smartboard, digital projectors, microphones, projection screens, plasma screens for posting informative messages, interactive screen plasma, etc. On PCs run windows, UNIX / LINUX and MacOS operating systems.


The services provided by the LabCom include:

  • Computer Security Incident Response Procedures (CSIRT)
  • Penetration Testing
  • Applications Development
  • Unix and Windows System Administration
  • Network Administration
  • Special Purpose Information System Administration


Laboratory for Computing/ Computer Center
Computer Engineering & Informatics Department
University of Patras
B’ Building of Campus, 26504, Patras, Greece

Tel. +30 2610996925, 86
Fax +30 2610969006
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