Chair’s Welcome

I welcome you on behalf of all the professors and the rest of the Department staff!

First of all, I congratulate our young students both for their choice and for their success, which is the result of hard work and sacrifice, personally and by their families. A new period of their life begins, exciting and creative, during which they will acquire the scientific equipment, knowledge and skills required by members of the Computer Engineering and Informatics community.

In the field of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT), the students of the department already know that they will participate in the development and implementation of the most impressive technological revolution that humanity has ever known. The one that is evolving at breakneck speeds and transforming human society into an Information Society and Knowledge Society, with the introduction and expanding use of new Social Networks, the establishment of Communication from Everywhere, but also the emergence of new problems with global social and economic implications. our contribution to their solution, such as the Digital Gap, Digital Illiteracy, Personal Data Security.

Studying at the Department of Computer Engineering and Informatics or CEID, I am sure will be an amazing experience, but which will require your active, consistent and creative participation in the educational activities of the Curriculum, elements necessary for the successful completion of studies . The end result will live up to everyone’s expectations.

CEID is one of the oldest and most recognized Departments of Computer Engineering in Greece, with internationally recognized educational and research activity, as evidenced by the successful careers of our graduates in all professional fields.

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