Α. Lectures and Turorials:
- Basic model of a Digital Communications System. Channels types. Mathematical models for channel description.
- Basic principles of Information Theory. Fundamental limitation in information transmission. Main theorems.
- Source coding. Lossless: Basics, Hufmann Coding, other entropy coding methods. Lossy: PCM, DPCM, ADPCM, Delta.
- Signal transmission through AWGN channels.
- Theory of optimum receiver.
- Basic digital modulation methods: FSK, PSK, ASK, QPSK, QAM.
- Probability of error for basic digital modulation methods.
- Information transmission through bandlimited baseband channels.
- Intersymbol Interference (ISI): How ISI is introduced and how it is mitigated.
- Basic multiplexing methods.
Β. Laboratory Exercises:
- Exercise 1: Design and implementation of scalar and vector quanizer.
- Exercise 2: Source coding using the DPCM method.
- Exercise 3: Design and implementation of passband M-PAM.
- Exercise 4: Performance evaluation of M-PAM.
- Exercise 5: Design and implementation of M-PSK and M-FSK.
- Exercise 6: Design and implementation of Information transmission through bandlimited baseband channels.