November 4, 2021


Title: Open Learner Modeling Techniques in a Digital Educational Game and Study of Motivation Mechanisms Speaker: Angeliki Leonardou, PhD candidate, CEID Time and place: Friday Nov. 5, 2021, 4-5pm. Zoom link:… Meeting ID: 949 0650 3454, Passcode: 225120 Abstract: The student-centered learning approach known as Digital Game-based Learning (DGBL) uses digital games with educational...
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Title: «Algorithms, mechanisms and protocols for rescue systems based on IoT wearable devices” Speaker: Nikolaos Papachristos, PhD candidate, CEID Ημερομηνία-χώρος: Friday, Nov. 5, 5-6 pm, via Zoom (using SSO UPatras) Zoom link: Abstract:  In recent years, applications for smart devices have been rapidly gaining acceptance from an increasing number of people. This is due to the fact that we...
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