Seminar & CEID social hour
Date-place: Friday 05 April, 3-5pm, Building Β (Room B4)
Speaker: Ioannis Fudos, Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, University of Ioannina
Title: 3D printing: Technologies, Representations, Algorithms and Prospects
Summary: 3D printing has evolved rapidly since the initial concept invented in the late 1970s. The main idea is to join different layers of material using a digital model input from a CAD software to create a three-dimensional object, a process also widely known as Additive Manufacturing (AM). Nowadays, 3D printing has many different applications in several industries such as medicine, manufacturing, aerospace, automotive, construction, architecture, jewelry, food and more. The possibilities are endless due to the multiplicity of different technologies and materials, offering a wide range of geometrically complex, largely scaled models with high-precision and reliability. In this talk most commonly used 3D printing technologies will be presented and compared under specific parameters that affect the result in terms of accuracy, functionality and usability. Finally, we present an overview of appropriate representations and algorithms.
About the speaker: Ioannis Fudos is a Professor at the Department of Computer Science and Engineering of the University of Ioannina. He received a diploma in computer engineering and informatics from University of Patras, Greece in 1990 and an MSc and PhD in Computer Science both from Purdue University, USA in 1993 and 1995, respectively. His research interests include animation, rendering, morphing, CAD systems, reverse engineering, geometry compilers, solid modeling, and image retrieval. He has published in well-established journals and conferences (ICDE, Eurographics, Siggraph, I3D, SPM, SMI, GRAPP, CAD, JCAD, IEEE TVCG, ACM TOG, CAGC) and has served as program committee member and reviewer in various conferences and journals. Prof. Fudos has obtained funding from the EC and national sources. He has coordinated a number of national projects and bilateral cooperations and has participated in the coordination and high level administration of several EC projects. Prof. Fudos has long research experience in CAD where he has conducted influential research on geometric constraint solving and jewelry reconstruction. Ioannis has also worked on graphics, visualization and other areas of computer science such as sensors, social networks and hardware design. His work on graphics, image retrieval, data management and CAD has received more than 1500 citations.
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