Seminar & CEID social hour
Date-place: Friday 01 Μαρτίου, 3-5pm, Building Β (Room B4)
Speaker: Zaroliagis Christos, Professor at CEID
Title: “Harnessing Big Traffic Data: An Algorithmic Axiomatic Approach”
Summary: Route planning in road networks requires harnessing huge amounts of traffic data
in order to provide time-dependent travel time estimations that are as close as
possible to the actual travel time. These data have to be digested by the core
algorithmic engine behind any route planner that computes shortest paths in networks
that exhibit a time-dependent metric. Harnessing and digesting traffic data, in order
to compute efficiently optimal time-dependent routes and thus satisfying the real-time
response requirements of a routing engine, pose new algorithmic challenges.
In this talk, an axiomatic approach is presented which shows that, for directed networks
that satisfy certain properties, time-dependent distance oracles can be provided that
exhibit subquadratic preprocessing time and space (independent of the metric’s amount of
disconcavity), and query time sublinear on the network size or on the “closeness”
of the destination to the origin. Applications on real-world settings will also be discussed.
About the speaker:
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